🚘→🚆 The car was less used in Q4-2019 compared to Q3-2019 in Belgium (-12% in Brussels), mainly replaced by the train (+8% in Brussels). This is one of the conclusions of the Mobiliteits Barometer or Baromètre de la mobilité published by Vias last week.
You will find some key elements in the pictures below.

For the complete report, follow the link .
Another interesting paper published last week is Working paper 30 from the Institut wallon de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la statistique - IWEPS which explains that 86,5% of the Walloons would take less than 10 minutes to reach a train station by car. In opposition, only 4% are using the train for their commutes.
Office location is key if you want to promote green mobility. Being close to a train station, increase significantly the mobility shift potential. Parking at station remains an important aspect.
A massive mobility shift is feasible but it remains something complex. Providing an app or a mobility card is only one part of the solution. This requires change management, coaching, communication, new policies, etc. That’s mobility management.