In order to launch a bike project providing (e)bikes to your employees before the summer or during the mobility week, start it now.
On top of finding the supplier that matches your need and find a slot in his planning, you will have to
- write a bike policy,
- make a budget and find it
- manage the fiscal aspects
- prepare the communication
- define the way your employee will order a bike
- check the availability of bikes which is complex those days
- etc.
Vias institute just published the results of a survey made in December.
2 out of 3 Belgians are in favour of more space for bikes and pedestrians.

At Next Mobility we support companies and administrations (all sizes) in bike project implementation at all stages.
Vias institute highlights as well the aggressivity increase when driving.
Other Mobility news:
📌 STIB-MIVB (Elke Van den Brandt and Brieuc de Meeûs) announced the launch of a new 100 trip "COVID" ticket at 135 € to be used in 90 days (vs 14 € for 10 trips valid 3 years).
You can save 5€ but have to go to work for example 4 times per week.
📌 Georges Gilkinet confirmed in La Libre that 1,5 billion euros will be allocated to the RER.
All ref on our blog