That is what comes out of the Arval Mobility Observatory Barometer 2020.
In this report done together with Kantar, we can see that:

๐ Sharing (bike & cars) and carpooling is implemented
in less than 30% of the companies in Belgium or in Europe on average.
Even if an additional 20% wants to implement it
in the next 3 years,
it remains something tough at a company level.
๐ Public transport is implemented by 41% of the companies in Belgium (vs 33% at EU level).
๐ 1 company out of 4 already implemented
the mobility budget and
1 out of 4 is planning to implement it
in the next 3 years.
๐ Micro mobility is not much implemented
(only 17% in Belgium and 10% at EU level)
๐ For most alternatives, Belgium is above
the EU or World average
๐ Less than 30% of the companies implemented fleet electrification.
More companies are looking for hybrid (plug-in or full) solutions compared to battery electric vehicles.
So companies are moving to improve mobility.

Mobility management is evolving fast
It becomes more and more complex
as it covers many different topics:
- Mobility budget
- fleet management
- parking management
- bike management
- etc.