
Jan 12, 20201 min

DriveNow leaving Brussels

DriveNow Belgium Sprl / SHARE NOW will stop in Brussels on Feb the 29th 2020. They are leaving North America, London and Florence as wel.

"In Brussels we see still a high share of private vehicle ownership. Despite our efforts and investments, the demand for our car sharing service remained below our expectations."

This kind of service seems sometimes costly because all the costs are variable but could be an excellent alternative for a second family car for example combined with station based solution for longer distance (as Cambio Brussels, Getaround (ex Drivy Belgium), CarAmigo (peer-to-peer carsharing) and Cozy Car).

The question is then, is there a business model behind free floating cars?

#mobilitymanagement #mobility #brussels #cars #share #commuting #car #freefloating #belgium